Director of the ‘Areg Publishers’
Publisher, Journalist, Translator
- 1993 to present Director-Founder of the ‘Areg Publishers’
- 1995 Editor-in-Chief of the Newspaper “Books’ World”
- 1990-1991 Head of the ‘Arevik Publishers’
- 1985-1987 Head of the ‘Lujs Publishers’
- 1987-1980 Head of the Popular Science Edition of the ‘Arevik Publishers’
- Armenian-French Dictionary (nearly 50.000 words)
- Armenian-French Dictionary (nearly 18.000 words)
- French-Armenian Dictionary (nearly 10.500 words)
- Armenian- French-French-Armenian Dictionary (nearly 40.000 words)
- Russian-Armenian-Armenian-Russian Dictionary (nearly 22.000 word)
- Russian-Armenian Conversation Guide
- Armenian-French Conversation Guide
- French-Armenian Conversation Guide
- Guidebook. Armenia: The Most Picturesque Sights
- French National Fairy Tales (Arevik, 1988, 168p.)
- Aznavour: Familiar and Unfamiliar (1990, 192p.)
- Aznavour: Songs and Poems (souvenir edition, 1999, 192p.)
- Milorad Pavic “Astral Cloak” (Areg, 2005, 168p.)
- “Russian Flowers of Evil” (Areg, 2005, 168p.)
- Victor Yerofeev “Good Stalin” (Areg, 2006, 304p.)
- Yuri Seleznyov “Dostoevski” (Areg, 2016, 688p.)
- Translations from French into Armenian (Apolinaire, Baudlère, Eluar, Verlaine, Fransua Saga)