All Colours of Armenia

book cover

Yerevan, AREG Publishing House, 2016, 128 pages
ISBN 978-9939-837-18-5

How does this book differ from a number of similar publications?
This book seeks to present the works of the best photographers of Armenia and the Dia­spora. Its objective is to present Armenia in a new light, from a new vantage point and “position.” All the photographs are accompanied by brief and factual information, making it a comprehensive collection. The most important element is that along with breathtaking landscapes and picturesque vistas of Armenia, we have included photos that are usually excluded, and some of them have their honourable place in the most prestigious museums in the world (stone crosses, miniatures, expositions), native flora and fauna, etc., so that the foreigner will have a complete picture about our wonderful country, to present nature with all its colours.

Compiled by:
Samvel Gasparyan

Photos by:
Ara Güler
Hrair Hawk Khatcherian
Zaven Sargsyan
Andranik Kochar
Poghos Poghosyan
Ruben Mangasaryan
Varoujan Sirapian
Hakob Berberyan
Tigran Mangasaryan
Hrachya Ghazaryan
Ashot Piliposyan
Arthur Harutyunyan
Samvel Karapetyan
Emil Yavryan
Mane Gasparyan
Irina Tadevosyan
Henry Vardanyan

Mkrtich Matevosyan

Susanna Mkrtchyan


Tatev Monastery

The Tatev Monastery is one of the masterpieces of medieval Arme­nian architecture. The choice of location of the monastery gives to it its architectural meaning — the steep wild gorges on three sides and the divine nature of the environment give the monastery complex a special charm. There are three churches in the complex: St. Grigor Lusavorich/Gregory Illuminator Church (9th century), Poghos-Petros/ Paul-Peter Church (10th century) and St. Astvatsatsin Church (11th century). The awe-inspiring decorative reliefs of the complex and the eight metre high memorial pillar (904 A.D.), which is a rare architectural structure, has resisted numerous earthquakes and yet sways with even the slightest touch of a human hand.

In the 14th century, the monastery was a large spiritual, scientific and cultural centre of Armenia. The famous University of Tatev functioned here, where well known scientists and theologians of that period, Grigor Tatevatsi, Hovhannes Vorotnetsi as well as acclaimed philosophers, musicians, painters and writers taught.

The wonders of Armenia

illustrated encyclopaedia/ hardcover, laminated, 104 pages, 21 cm x 29 cm, 750 gm, price – 10000 dram.

Foreigners called our country ‘a museum in an open air.” This encyclopedia is a specific guide in four “saloons’ of that museum: “Ancient Period,” “Medieval Period, Christianity,” “Nature and Lifestyle,” and “Newest Period.” More than 80 “wonders” included here are dear to Armenian reader. Maybe, this is the reason that the publishing house has chosen a little pretentious word “wonders” as a title for the book. However, we are proud of those ‘wonders,” most part of them occupied their deserved place in the treasury of world culture. You can find values forming the inseparable part of the History of the Armenian People in the encyclopedia. They are situated in the territory of the Historical Armenia (Akhtamar Saint Cross Cathedral, The Brook of Shamiram, Ani Cathedral, etc).

This book is published in English, Armenian, French and Russian languages.

Toutes les Couleurs de l’Armenie

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Erevan, AREG Éditions, 2016, 128 pages

ISBN 978-9939-837-20-8

En quoi se différencie ce livre album des autres éditions du même genre parues jusqu’à ce jour ?
D’abord, nous nous sommes efforcés de réunir les photos des meilleurs professionnels en la matière, d’Arménie et aussi de la diaspora, afin de montrer l’Arménie sous un angle neuf et différent. En second lieu, chaque photo est accompagnée d’une notice qui résume l’essentiel, ce qui donne à ce livre un côté encyclopédique. Enfin, le plus important, parallèlement aux belles images de l’Arménie, nous avons inclus des images de sujets que l’on ne publiait pas jusque-là dans les livres de cette nature, parmi lesquelles certaines ont leur place dans des musées prestigieux dans le monde (des khatchkars, des miniatures, différents échantillons), des espèces animales et végétales particulières à l’Arménie, etc. Tout ceci afin de donner une idée globale de notre beau pays et de le montrer sous toutes ses couleurs.

Texte de :
Samvel Gasparian

Photos :
Ara Güler
Hrayr Bazé Khatchérian
Zaven Sargsian
Andranik Kotchar
Poghos Poghossian
Rouben Mangassarian
Varoujan Sirapian
Hakob Berbérian
Tigran Mangassarian
Hratchia Ghazarian
Ashot Pilipossian
Arthur Haroutiounian
Samvel Karapétian
Emil Yavrian
Mané Gasparian
Irina Tadévossian
Henry Vardanian

Mkrtich Matévossian

Traduit de l’arménien par
Rousane et Jean Guréghian


Le lac Sevan

C’est le plus grand lac du Caucase, et par son altitude, le second lac d’eau douce au monde après le lac Titicaca d’Amérique du Sud. Il est à 1916 m d’altitude et sa profondeur moyenne est de 45 m. En été la température moyenne de l’eau varie entre 18° et 23°. En hiver, le miroir bleu du lac se couvre de glace par endroits. Le lac Sevan est alimenté par 28 fleuves et rivières, et un seul fleuve, le Hrazdan, prend sa source à partir du lac.
Sevan, cadeau miraculeux de la nature, est beau à toutes les saisons, à toute heure de la journée. L’air environnant y est toujours frais, propre et transparent comme l’eau du lac. Sevan est parfois sombre et triste, parfois rude et austère, parfois mystérieux et féerique, mais toujours sublime et beau. Les montagnes environnantes semblent faire « la ronde » autour de cette beauté d’azur en lui donnant un charme particulier. Et les Arméniens adorent cette merveilleuse beauté qu’ils appellent aussi « Mer Gueghama », peut-être en nostalgie de l’Arménie « de mer en mer ».


Le monastère Sevanavank est majestueusement implanté sur la récente presqu’île de Sevan (c’était une île jusque dans les années 50, au XXe siècle). Ce monastère représentait un grand ensemble architectural au Moyen ge, avec plusieurs églises, une bibliothèque, des auberges, des restaurants, etc. Il ne subsiste aujourd’hui que les églises Sainte-Mère-de-Dieu et des Saints-Apôtres. Ici fon­c­tionne aussi le séminaire religieux fondé récemment par l’un des Catholicos préférés du peuple arménien, Vazguen 1er.

Tutti i Colori Dell’Armenia

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Yerevan, Edizioni AREG, 2016, pp.128

ISBN 978-9939-837-21-5

In cosa differisce questa pubblicazione, corredata da un ricco apparato di immagini, da pubblicazioni dello stesso tipo già presenti sul mercato?
Innanzi tutto, questo libro si propone di presentare con uno sguardo d’insieme le immagini dei migliori fotografi armeni non solo dell’Armenia, ma anche della Diaspora con l’obbiettivo di mostrare l’Armenia da una “inquadratura” e da un punto di vista del tutto nuovi. La maggior parte delle fotografie è accompagnata, inoltre, da didascalie concise ed esaustive, tanto da costituirsi anche come una sorta di enciclopedia.
Infine, la caratteristica più importante di questa pubblicazione sta nella scelta editoriale di pubblicare, accanto alle immagini degli incantevoli paesaggi e siti naturalistici dell’Armenia, anche immagini ‘meno belle’ di manufatti, tra cui si distinguono alcuni pezzi (croci di pietra o khachk’ar, miniature e diversi altri manufatti) conservati in autorevoli e prestigiosi musei internazionali, e di specie animali e vegetali tipiche dell’altopiano armeno. L’obbiettivo è di offrire un’immagine il più possibile completa della nostra meravigliosa terra d’Armenia, presentandola in tutte le sfumature del suo patrimonio naturale e culturale.

Autore dell’opera
Samvel Gasparyan

Immagini di
Ara Güler
Hrayr Bazé Khacherian
Zaven Sargsyan
Andranik Kochar
Poghos Poghosyan
Ruben Mangasaryan
Varujan Sirapian
Hakob Berberyan
Tigran Mangasaryan
Hrachia Ghazaryan
Ashot P’iliposyan
Art’ur Harut’yunyan
Samvel Karapetyan
Emil Yavryan
Mane Gasparyan
Irina Tadevosyan
Henry Vardanyan

Impaginazione di
Mkrtich’ Mat’evosyan

Traduzione di
Benedetta Contin

Redazione e correzioni di
Tatevik Ghazaryan


La cascata di Jermuk

La splendida valle del fiume Arp’a divide la città in due. In questa valle, che è come se fosse la parte più intima della città di Jermuk, si tuffa da un’altezza di 70 m. una maestosa cascata che viene chiamata dai locali, a causa dei suoi spruzzi che schizzano come fossero capelli spettinati, «capelli della Sirena». Lo scroscio di questa cascata è bello come un pezzo musicale, quasi fosse una sinfonia…

Meraviglie d’Armenia

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illustrated encyclopaedia/ hardcover, laminated, 104 pages, 21 cm x 29 cm, 750 gm, price – 10000 dram.

Italian annotation of the book

Gli stranieri definiscono la nostra terra “Museo a cielo aperto”. Il presente volume è una guida singolare a questo museo che si divide in “quattro sale”: “Periodo antico”; “Medioevo e Cristianesimo”; “Natura e Costumi”; “Periodo più recente”. Le “meraviglie” qui raccolte, che superano il numero di ottanta, sono preziose per il lettore armeno. Forse è proprio questo il motivo che ha spinto l’editore a scegliere come titolo di questo volume il termine, in qualche modo , di “meraviglie”. E davvero siamo orgogliosi di queste “meraviglie”, con cui molti altri hanno saputo conquistarsi un posto di rispetto nel panorama culturale mondiale. Nel presente volume sono stati inseriti tesori che fanno parte inscindibile della storia del popolo armeno e che si trovano attualmente nel territorio dell’Armenia storica (la cattedrale della S. Croce di Aght‘amar; il canale di Semiramide; la cattedrale di Ani e così via)

Merveilles d’ Arménie

book cover

illustrated encyclopaedia/ hardcover, laminated, 104 pages, 21 cm x 29 cm, 750 gm, price – 10000 dram.

French annotation of the book

Les étrangers appellent notre pays “Musée à la belle étoile”. Cette encyclopédie est un guide très particulier qui chemine dans les quatre “Salles” de ce musée: “Antiquité”, “Moyen âge et christianisme”, “Nature et mode de vie”, “Epoque moderne”. Les 80 “Merveilles” concentées dans ce volume préféré sont très chères au lecteur arménien. C’est pour cette cause, peut-être, que la Maison d’Edition a choisi elle-même un titre assez prétentieux – “Merveilles”. Mais il faut aussi prendre en considération que le peuple arménien est très fier de ses merveilles dont la plupart a trouvé dignement sa place dans la culture mondiale. Dans cette encyclopédie nous trouvons des valeurs qui sont toujours inséparables de l’histoire des Arméniens mais qui se trouvent actuellement dans le territoire historique de l’Arménie (la Cathédrale de la Sainte Croix d’Akhtamar, le canal de Sémiramis, le temple de la Mère Anie, le lac de Van etc) L’encyclopédie “Les merveilles de l’Arménie” est très chérie des lecteurs arméniens. Nous espérons qu’elle plaira non seulement à nos compatriotes de France mais aussi au lecteur français qui montre de l’intérêt pour l’Arménie et pour le peuple arménien.

Content page 2, page 3.

Page 7 – Peintures Rupestres.

Page 8 – Dragon.

Page 9 – Les piliers de Zorakar.

Page 32 – Saint Etchmiadzine.

Page 33 – Saint Etchmiadzine.

Page 41 – Le Myron (le saint chreme).

Page 42 – L’eglise Sainte-Croix d’Aghtamar.

Page 52 – Gueghard.

Page 53 – Gueghard.

Page 56 – Khatchkar.

Page 62 – Massis-Ararat.

Page 63 – Massis-Ararat.

Page 78 – L’Olivier de Boheme.

Page 79 – L’Abricot.

Page 100 – La Place de la Republique d’Erevan.

Page 101 – Le Matenadaran.

Encyclopaedia of chess


Samvel Gasparian, Gagik Hakopian, Roland Sharoyan – “Encyclopaedia of Chess”

hardcover, laminated, 188 pages, 21 cm x 29 cm, 1 kg, price – 4000 dram.

In 6 sections of the Encyclopedia (“What We Know and What We Don’t Know About Chess,” “Life of Chess 13 Kings and 10 Queens,” “Grand Masters, Well-Known Chess Players and Chess Figures,” “The Armenian Residents of the Chess World,” “Openings That Must Every Chess Player Know” and “Supplements”) the chess life of Armenia, as well as over 350 foreign strongest Grand Masters of the world and chess well-known figures, as well as remarkable word entries about numerous chess notions are presented. More than 500 word entries and 300 games of chess, 44 openings, over 400 photos and diagrams.

The echo of the forgotten treasures

The echo of the forgotten treasures by Samvel Dilanian


hardcover, laminated, 144 pages, 21 cm x 29 cm, 700 gm, price – 2000 dram.

The encyclopaedia includes archaeological, folklore, ethnographic facts and information representing the spiritual and material culture of the ancient tribes and peoples which inhabited the Armenian Upland as well as of Armenian people. The Armenian Upland is a place where the human civilization has developed from its embryonic state.

“Areg” participated in events of “Yerevan world book capital 2012”.

book cover

Samvel Gasparyan, the director of “Areg publishers” and the big model of  “The Wonders of Armenia” at Abovyan street, Yerevan. See more about these events here

2010 year. “Areg” publishing house participated at Paris International Book Fair

From left to right: The director of “SIGEST” publishing house V.Srapian, the director of “Areg publishing house” S.Gasparyan, the ambassador of the Republic of Armenia in the France V.Chitechyan, the head of publishing agency E. Militonyan.

The co-publishers of the “Wonders of Armenia” French edition.

The presentation of the “Wonders of Armenia” encyclopedia’s French edition.

Children’s Encyclopaedia of Armenian Christianity

illustrated /four colours/, hardcover, laminated, 184 pages, 21 cm x 29 cm, 800 gm, price – 3000 dram.

The book has been published on the occasion of the 1700th anniversary of adoption of Christianity in Armenia. It includes around 270 colour photographs and 360 entries which represent the spiritual values of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the fundamental conceptions of the Christian doctrine.The book is intended for school-age children.

2002 year. “Areg” publishing house participated at Modern Polygraphic Technology and Heidelbergs Solutions Seminar (Yerevan)